Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011

Some of the most darling Sisters ever!

Hello Hello!
thank you SOOO much Johnson and Dufrain family for the wonderful birthday packages :)  I have always celebrated my birthday for at least a week, so it was good to still get gifts in the mail!

Well this week was another good one! Sunday was the BEST EVER! It was such an amazing experience to watch Dennis pass the sacrament for the first time!  i felt like a proud mother watching her child go off to kindergarten for the first time.  He was so nervous but of course he did awesome! It's so great to see a 40-year old man pass the sacrament with 12 year old boys. I told him that he runs the show now :).   then we were able to be in the room when Austin received the priesthood and that was just awesome. Austin is super nervous to pass the sacrament next week but he will do great as well!

Sooo GUESS WHAT!!! this week on Thurs we are having a mission tour.. not really sure what that means, but Elder Wilson from the 70's is coming and talking with us! THEN after dinner sister Doll and I will be teaming up with Sister Wilson for the rest of the night and she is going to come with us to all of our lessons!!! uhhhh I am freaking out! I am going to be scared out of my mind to even talk!  I feel like she is going to have the Spirit so strong and everyone we talk to are going to feel it strong too and  turn their lives around ( pretty much just jump into the font!)  SOOO EXCITED!!!

Also, last week president gave us a referral... yes i mean President Howes! we made the contact and will hopefully be meeting with her sometime this week!  Okay,  i  feel a lot of pressure coming on,  but it's okay!
this week we got 2 new investigators and are really seeing people's hearts softening!

there is a lady we visit once a transfer and she and her husband are not members but their son is and he is on a mission... ummm sound like Zach??  He was dating this LDS girl in high school and she introduced him to the gospel and he just went with it! She is now married and living in Utah and he is on a mission doing great! His mother has never been interested,  but we kept stopping by and last week when she answered the door she told us that she was sick and couldn't talk, but then she perked up and said...." Hey would you girls want to have a pizza party at my house??"  uhhh YA!  so a few says later we did and we had an awesome conversion/ lesson with her about the gospel,  while eating pizza.  She told us all about her concerns and why she has never met with the missionaries and then at the end she agreed to let us come back each week to read the Book of Mormon with her!!!! We are soo excited!

This Sat. is all the ward Halloween parties and we are just so excited because we have a lot of non-members coming out. Sadly, we can't dress up!! LAME.  I'm going to do something... not sure just what,  but i will do something!  Halloween is my favorite holiday and it feels like just yesterday that i was dressed up as Mrs. Potato Head haha!  cliff and I rocked those costumes :)

sister Doll is pretty much a pro by now with no help from me. I think the Lord knew that she would be an easy one so that is why I got her! So excited for another great week!

 love sister martin

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