Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28, 2012 Memorial Day and Kass' birthday!

Hello and Happy Memorial Day!
Of course, Happy Birthday Kass! I love you darling sister-in-law!

Today is so wonderful seeing flags in almost every yard! I really makes me appreciate the county we live in and the freedoms that we get to freely enjoy :) How thankful I am for the great men and women who have served,  and are serving today for all of us to be able to continue to enjoy this beautiful country. I hope you all have a blast today with  everyone today! Tell everyone hi from me!!!

Usually I bring my journal with me but I forgot it, sooo I can't remember anything! Ohhh, but mom I studied President Monson's talk this week too and I just love it!!!

Hebrew 12:1-   "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

This scripture was in that talk and it really stayed with me this week and helped me to have a better perspective on my days. "Run with Patience the Race that (this is key) is set before us!" What a powerful scripture filled with love from a loving Heavenly Father telling his children He has a plan prepared for all of us and it up to us to be able to achieve all that He has is store for us!

This week was HOT..until the weekend, but the week had two days of 108 degrees! Last Wed. we had 3 lessons fall through before lunch and so I was pretty worried about what we were going to do all day in the heat, but we had a whole bunch of names we just found in some really old progress records from 2008.  So we decided to visit all of those, even though we were confident none of them would still be living at those addresses, since all the names were at an apartment complex!  So we knocked and knocked and knocked and nothing was happening, UNTIL we got to a house where a lady named Esther answered the door. She poked her head out and told us she was Baptist, and was about to shut the door, but we bore a simple testimony that Christ's Church has been restored and she stopped talking and invited us in. We came in taught her about the Restoration and she completely understood and called us "her angels" by the time we were ready to leave! She is excited about reading The Book of Mormon and told us "I know that the Holy Spirit will tell me if that book is true if I have an open mind about it and pray." Shocked that she had pretty much quoted Moroni 10:4-5, we agreed and left it with her and set up a time to come back this week. She didn't want to come to church until after she had read some so I'm super excited to meet with her again, because I know that she WILL receive a witness by the power of the Holy Ghost! I know that the Book of Mormon is, in fact, Another Testament of Jesus Christ and that Christ's church and authority has been restored!
Esther is from Kenya, Africa and she has listened to God her whole life and is very in tune with the spirit, so I'm excited for her to discover the blessings of the gospel.

We also had some awesome lessons with Paco and Jaquelin, Phoenix and Lili! They are all having their struggles right now but Sister Price and I fasted yesterday and I know that will really help them in their progression in the gospel!

Agency, and the ability to choose for ourselves is a free gift that we all have,  It's something that can be super frustrating because we see people make decisions that are not the best..  I guess that's the process of learning. My parents had to suffer watching me make mistake after mistake and I will continue to see that,  not only now, but when I'm a parent as well. Seeing this process helps me to love and appreciate our Heavenly Father even more because He must be devastated at times while witnessing His children suffer so much!

I am so gratefull for Him and this "race that has been set before us".
I know that patiently running through it is the only way to go!

I love you all so very much :)

love,  sister martin

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