Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 16, 2012


If I learn nothing more on my mission it will be that God answers our prayers! We have been struggling to find more people to teach in this area, but this week I'm pretty sure our teaching pool exploded!

Late Tuesday night right before we were about to head in, we were walking around this condo plex and Sister Price spotted a couple sitting together on a bench so we made our way over to them. (haha isn't it funny that on pitch dark nights we are walking up to random people! don't worry we're protected)

We talked with them briefly about the Restoration and shared our testimonies about the blessings the gospel brings to families. Then we invited them to learn more and they said something I haven't heard for a while.... "YES"! Really, that word seemed too good to be true! So we set up a time on Thursday to meet with them.

I really don't know how to describe the lesson we had with them...
the very first thing we asked them at the beginning of the lesson was "Why did you want to learn more" and Paco told us that he just felt like he needed to have his questions answered. These were a few of his questions:

1. Why can't we pray directly to God? Why must we pray to a saint in order for them to relay our message?
2. Why are babies baptized; they couldn't possibly have sinned yet?

It is an understatement to say that these questions blew me away! Then we began to explain about Christ's earthly ministry and the effects of the Apostasy. If there were any doubts in my mind about my testimony up to this point, they were shattered during this powerful lesson! The Spirit was thick as fog and I was not the only one feeling it. After we taught them about the Restoration, Paco and Jaclyn committed to read and pray about the things we talked about. They said also when they knew that these things were true, they would be baptized! Unfortunately, they are not married YET, but this week we will teach them the Plan of Salvation and they will see the need to make that committment to each other.

This is just one of our many amazing lessons this week. I know that I am a child of God and that He loves ME! If you don't know this, then pray and ask... he WILL answer your sincere prayer!

I love you all so very much
Sister Martin

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