Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sept. 25, 2011

Hello Hello!!!
So Dennis's baptism went AMESOME! and he invited his mom and brother and they just loved it, so hopefully we can begin to teach them really soon. That would be awesome! I don't know if you remember, but we started teaching Dennis because his cousin Silvia introduced him to the gospel and she was just baptized in feb! It is the best when recent converts do their own missionary work!  Also we started teaching a 15 year- old boy this week named Austin. His dad is a long-time inactive member but just recently moved into his sister's house (austin's aunt and uncle's house) and started coming to church with them. Austin immediately loved the church and so we went over to start teaching him on tue. and then we met with him again sunday night. When we first got there we asked him how he had held up his commitment to begin reading the Book of Mormon and CRAZY he has read to Mosiah! and it's totally legit because he had been asking his uncle questions along the way. Austin has so much faith and is such an inspiration to me to be totally dedicated to my work. He is seaching for truth and so he is doing everything with "real intent" so that he can find that truth! He is on date to be baptized on Oct 15!  We talk to everyone that we see on the streets but that isn't a very effective way to find people to teach. the best way is always member referrals!
Okay so next week is transfers and I better not get moved! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the people that we are teaching right now and Anthony, Keith, Josh, and Austin are all getting baptized in October so i just can't be moved! Ughhh i hate transfers!
Thankfully this week the weather is dropping again to the high 90s so what a blessing that will be. Even though this last week it was still in the 100's at least it is cooling down at night. It was the worst when it was still in the 100's at 9:00 at night!  Okay so big things are coming up...General Conference is this weekend and im sooo excited. then comes the mormon blitz in this area and then MY BIRTHDAY!!!  yey i just love it!
So for general conference we get to attend all the sessions thankfully!  we can watch conference at a members home only if an investigator is there so that will be nice, but if not we will go to the church. the relief society broadcast was amazing!  Also my profile is submitted and once it is approved it will be up so you should all check it out. don't judge because we didn't have a lot of time to do it and we had to take a picture on a members webcam haha but it is up and that what counts. 
Mom thanks so much for the package!  i haven't recieved it yet but ill try to wait to open it. i might get moved so just send the packages to the mission home!  thanks so much for all you do. bear lake sounds like so much fun. i couldn't watch the price is right but i had one of the members watch it and tell me all about it!  i want to see it sooo bad. i love you all so much!
I read this scripture this morning D&C 64: 33 "wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. and out of small things preceedeth that which is good."  this is what im doing... even though everyone won't listen to me, the seed is planted.
i love you all so much!

                                this is what missionaries eat when members dont feed us!!! SICK

                                       Dennis's Baptism! sister warner, orton, dennis, and me

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