Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 13, 2011

Bike pimple

Yey, all finished! Notice the black thumbs.

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Another great week to be in Arizona and not Missouri! what is happening there... tornadoes and now flooding? omg that is just crazy. although it is working to my advantage because when i tell ppl that im from Missouri, it is an immediate conversation starter, which is just great. Also, now there are 2 LDS people running for president and that is awesome!

So this week i became an expert bike repair girl. My back bike tire got a leak so we went to walmart to get these cool slim tires and came home, then had to go back to walmart to exchange them because i guess tires are different sizes... who knew!  i changed both the tires just because i knew the other one was soon to be a goner. after i was all done, i realized that i read the pressure gauge wrong and i aired up my tire WAY too much and the actual rubber tire broke, which caused a pimple effect to happened to the rubber tire. then I had to go back again to walmart to get another one of those. Well after a lot of wasted, but much needed time spent on my bike, i was finally finished and its running just great!

we have an AWESOME new investigator! his name is brad and he actually asked for missionaries by getting on mormon.org. we met him on thur and he told us that he feels like he is in the same situation as Joseph Smith and that he needs help on choosing which church is the true church. he completely agrees with modern- day prophets, so as you can imagine i am freaking out at this point.  I’m also sweating like crazy because we had to meet in the heat, since our member wasnt there yet so we could go inside. so long story short he came to church on sunday and then we had another lesson that night and he had already read 11 chapters in the book of mormonhe had also given up coffee and we hadnt even taught him that yet, he had just heard that we didnt drink it!! OMG CRAZY! that never happens.  so we committed him to be baptized on july 2 because he has other word of wisdom problems that he has to overcome, but he will because he is just that awesome.

pretty much sister white and i are being blessing beyond imagine. brad is the 4th person that we put on date this week and that's only because the Lord is literally pouring out his blessing upon us as missionaries. I love this gospel so much and it truly changes lives. Sister White and i both gave talks on faith this week and it was the perfect topic because what i could apply it every single day last week!  7 investigators came to church yesterday, which is an all time high and it was just awesome because 4 came to the ward where we spoke. What A Blessing!    

I hope you all have a great week and be safe out there!
Love you,

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