Thursday, June 2, 2011

May 31, 2011


sorry for the late email but this week being transfer week they switched  pday to tue (for only this week)! dont worry me and sister white are safe and are not being moved anywhere. two companionship's in my zone are being white washed out and my district leader is being transferred tho so my district will be totally new next week! kinda sad but good at the same time!

HAPPY LATE BDAY TO KASS!! i love you and im relieved to hear about Mike! he has def been in my prayers

first of all THANK YOU MOM! you are so awesome and i just love you so much. The plan of salvation thing is absolutely perfect and the candy was, as always not needed, but much enjoyed :)

second of all.... TAYLOR IS ENGAGED! omg heather wrote me this week and told me first and then i got all your emails today! omg that is crazy and totally does not feel real at all! Congrats taylor and crystal! I think you should wait a year and a half to get married tho... dont you think it would be worth it :) I'm def not a fan on missing out on their wedding but there is no way you could get me to leave Arizona because i just love it, so i say just wait!

So for more interesting news... i have told you about my investigator family, joe and rocio with their two little girls, well they were on date for may 28th but had to push it back because of joe's smoking so then they were set for june 11. Well this week we discovered that THEY ARENT MARRIED! haha okay so in order to get baptized you must be married if you're living with someone of the opposite sex. so obviously this came as a big surprise to me since im the one who asked the question. so sister white and her last comp found this family and they told them that they have been together for 7 years but obviously together does not mean married, so she learned her lesson.  Haha, but dont worry  because now we are planning a wedding, YEY!  i never thought i would get to do that on my mission, but that's what's happening so im excited! They are so awesome and their faith is just incredible. ill let you know more when i do.

Next.. okay so while oyming last week we found vito! on friday we met him and the first thing he told us was that he was addicted and was currently using MANY illegal and harmful drugs, plus many more things, so immediately i was scared. thank goodness we got a good member to come with us for this lesson.  it was a great lesson and he actually came to church on sunday YEY! then we met with him again on mon and he informed us that his girlfriend had died sunday night due to a drug overdose and that he is done with everything. He had been reading like crazy and wants every packet we have. he is amazing and he is completely changing his life around. he bore his testimony to us and told us that at church he felt the spirit and that he knows that God loves him and now he is going to change and has committed to baptism. obviously we still have much to teach him and we are taking it slow but we have another lesson with him on thur so ill keep you updated!

this sat we have a baptism!!! his name is Alfredo (yes like alfredo sauce haha) and i just love this guy. he is awesome and he is so excited to be baptized!

Well my memorial day def didnt feel like a holiday but it was good none the less because it was spent doing missionary work!

I love you all

love sister martin

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