Monday, June 18, 2012


Happy FATHERS DAY POPS love love love you :)

                                                                                               Best Zone ever!  I miss them!
Okay soooo with transfers this week we didn't get moved around,  but we did get another ward! Now we cover 4 wards again which I have been used to my whole mission, but I have just done 3 family wards and 1 singles.  Having 4 family wards is much different! We are very excited but kinda nervous for more work when it seems like all of our efforts are focused on our investigators to get them progressing... sooo we're going to have to really multitask now. But so we're so excited because the Highland Groves Ward decided THEMSELVES that they were going to do a 40 -day fast for missionary work. Each family in the ward signs up for 1 day out of the 40 to fast and it will be for 40 days straight.... CRAZY!  I'm so excited because that ward is really struggling right now and Heavenly Father will see our efforts in finding those whom he is preparing to receive the gospel.

It's HOTTT... and not just a little, i mean HOT! Today the high is 114 degrees!!!!
I'm so glad its p-day so we don't have to be outside all day. I saw a scorched lizard the other day by the side of our house and it was so sad.  How do people live here... I feel like I'm Fifal in "Fafal Goes West",  just seeing mirages in the distance of huge sprinkler systems!

This week we had a lot of ups and downs, but thankfully, I have a sweet comp so we just laugh at all the bad things that happen.  "Faith, hope and charity bringeth unto me- the Foundation of ALL Righteousness" Ether 12:28.

"Seek Heavenly guidance one day at a time; life by the yard is hard, by the inch, it's a cinch" Elder Uchtdorf

This week we had a cool experience where we ran into a former investigator who was SUPER stressed about her disobedient children who have completely rejected God in their lives. Thankfully, I had a "Family, Proclamation to the World" in my backpack, so we read through that with her and the spirit just comforted her and softened her heart. She invited us to eat dinner with her  family the next day. We came to dinner and the evidence of a broken home was too much to cover up. She made her 3 kids all sit down around the table and when we asked if we could bless the food I thought the kids (8,16,& 19) might just kill us.. HAHA but we did and the spirit was invited into their home and the mom said for the first time everyone got along. We joked about video games, Facebook, and just TV shows (everything I NEVER talk about, so I really had to wrack my brain to remember normal everyday stuff to relate to them)!  It was just awesome! The teens became polite and it was just crazy to witness the transformation that took place in that room.

 "All human beings-male and female- are created in the image of God" God is our loving Heavenly Father and he really does LOVE US! I am so grateful for that knowledge :)


Love my tan lines!!!
Sister martin

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