Monday, February 13, 2012

Feb. 13, 2012

Hello Everyone,

guess what... I GOT A SUNBURN THIS WEEK! yes it is that hot here already and I'm freaking out because it's too early to be hot!

Sister Doll and I are working hard to get to know the new area and to keep in contact with the people that the elders were already working with, and then find new people as well. We don't live in our area anymore so we've been biking like crazy.  since they just cut out 150 of our miles,  we have been averaging 25 miles per day which is great. The new area is great and we have already seen miracles.

on wed we were biking to and from different peoples houses and we ran into this guy named Joel. He is our age and so we talked to him and his friend and set up a return appt.  A few days later we confirmed the appt but he was a no show. Our fellowship left and we called him and left a message not thinking that he would call us back, BUT he sure did about 10 min later and he apologized and said that he was at his friends house on the next street over, so we headed over there. we ended up meeting him and his 2 other friends on the street and teaching them all about the Restoration of the gospel on the street at 8 at night HA HA! but it was seriously the best lesson!!! The spirit was so strong and 2 of them really related to Joseph Smith's story about  being confused on which church was true when all of them are so contradictory. in the end we left them with copies of the Book of Mormon and they were excited to read and pray about the things which they read and then we are meeting them again on wed.

Lessons like these are my favorite because there was no time to prepare, all you have to go off of is pure testimony! In my patriarchal blessing it talks about how i will help to bring others to the gospel by just being myself and in these situations I can see that exactly! This week we have met so many people and it's just exciting. We met with our new bishops and they are excited about the change as well. In church on Sunday sister Doll and I got up and bore our testimonies which was great, so that everyone could know who we were. We also asked the bishop if he could commit the ward members to pray for both of us by name daily with their families! Prayer brings MIRACLES!!!!
Guess what....?
We had a missionary fireside and SHERRY DEW came and spoke to all of the missionaries! Ohhh man was it powerful!
"This life is not about this life, its about the next" This life is a time to Prepare to meet God and so what are we doing to be prepared?

She told us this story of how one day she spent all day planting 40 plants in her front yard. she finished for the day and then woke up the next morning to find all of her plants GONE! long story short her 6 year old neighbor came over to pick a pretty flower and as she picked it she noticed that all of the flowers came out all together since the roots had not yet rooted into the ground yet and so she pulled all of her plants out so that her yard could be pretty too! the related this to our testimonies. How deep are our testimonies rooted? anyone, even a 6 year old, could come and challenge our testimonies and how could we withstand that? she talked some more about how interesting it is that the most important part of the plant was not the pretty flower, but the roots that help the plants to the ground and that is the part that Isn't Seen!!!

this lesson is EXACTLY what i needed to hear and to help me be able to find those that are being prepared for the gospel at this time IN THIS AREA because obviously, sister doll and I need to be here together!
I love this gospel and I know that its true and THIS IS THE LORDS WORK!
hope you all have a great week!
love sister martin

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