Sunday, September 2, 2012

August 26, 2012

Every Day is a miracle out here. GOD IS GOOD!!!

Just one blessing from yesterday... okay so our zone baptism goal for the month of Aug was 11 and as of yesterday it was looking like we weren't going to make it.  We were going to end up with 10 for the month... which is still great, but we all knew that 11 was the number. So during church, while talking to Kevin and Ginny about Christian's baptism for Sept 1, Ginny just felt like that wasn't the date and that it needed to be sooner so SHE changed it to Aug 30!!! It didn't hit me until later that was in AUGUST!  Once it hit me, we called the zone leaders and found out that yesterday both had prayed to be able to meet our goal... AND WE DID! pretty cool! 

What a blessing it was to see Kevin prepared and bless the sacrament and then this Thursday be able to baptize his son! What a tender mercy this is to me to see missionary work in a full circle. Last night we were teaching Christian about the prophet and the law of tithing, and Kevin told us how while on a business trip this week in Texas, he gave a copy of The Book of Mormon to one of his friends!!! They've worked together for a while and of course, Kevin told him about him getting baptized.  So naturally,  Kevin told him "Hey just read this and if it enlightens you but you don't want to join, that's ok, because you got something out of it. If you read it and it's just a history book to you, then that's great too because then you learned a little bit more about me.." ohhh boy he is the best missionary ever!

This week was fantastic! We started teaching a new couple from Rwanda, Africa!!! Erwin and Sapi! They are so humble and just ready for the gospel in their lives. While we were teaching them about the apostasy and the effects of it being darkness and confusion, Sapi's eyes were just glued to us.  Obviously, living in Rwanda for most of her life, could understand that darkness! She looked at us and said " Sisters, are you telling me that we have Prophets here on the earth AGAIN, just like moses and Noah, who can help us to get back to God?" That is exactly what we are telling you!! They came to church and was a great sight it was to see them! also  It was also cool because a sister missionary was giving her homecoming and she had just returned FROM AFRICA! God is a God of Miracles!

Elisa and Luiz are doing incredibly well!  We extended a baptism date and are a little hesitant to commit to a specific date, but I know if we give them a bit of time they will know by the power of the Holy Ghost that the things they are learning are true, because they are praying, reading the scriptures and coming to church! Elisa is so cute!  During the lesson she told us how excited she was for her 2 year old Alex to be able to grow up in the church!!!

GOD IS OUR  FATHER, WE ARE HIS CHILDREN, HE LOVES US, AND WE ARE ALL PART OF HIS FAMILY!   We have a prophet today, who teaches us what God would have us know so that we can Return to live with him AGAIN!

Read, Pray, Ask... its that simple ... GOD WILL ANSWER YOU!

I love you all
love sister martin

August 20, 2012

GREAT WEEK!!:) haha

So Luiz and Elisa! I LOVE THEM
ohhh man i really don't know how i have been so blessed to be able to teach such awesome people. So our first real lesson with both of them was crazy! Pretty much Sister Price was super sick but I made her go to the lesson because we had to meet with them! haha but so we get there and she looks dead.  About 10 min into the lesson she asks if she can use their bathroom and is gone for 30 min throwing up in their bathroom... oops...! but so it was just me teaching the lesson with the fellowship and it actually went really well, Thank goodness for the Spirit, because I don't even think that they really realized that she was gone that long, or at least they didn't say anything about it! haha The lesson was awesome and Elisa would get baptized tomorrow, but Luiz is going to take a little longer. Just to show how much they love us, they invited us to go to Elisa's baby shower the next day to eat papoosas which are an El Salvadorian food! AMAZING by the way! The baby shower was definitely an experience... haha

Elder Aidukaitis, from the first quorum of the 70 came and trained us this week and then we had a fireside with him and we brought our investigators/ recent converts/ and less actives and it was POWERFUL! ohhhh man the Church is TRUE :)  Revelation was coming out of the woodworks and it was just an incredible experience to be able to listen to him. "The proud do what they want and the humble change. To be obedient we must change."  Oh do i need to be more humble... He taught us
A LOT and introduced A LOT of new ways of doing things and I'm struggling with implementing all of them.  I have to because he also said, "sometimes leaders can be like lids (on a stove), they limit the growth".  He taught so simply and powerfully.

There is also a quote in PMG that he changed some words around... I'm was crying when he read this! "I am so thoroughly convinced this; if we don't set goals in our lives [missions] and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age [the end of our missions] only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principles of setting goals, he will then be able to make a difference in the results he attains in this life [mission]." Elder M Russell Ballard

WHY DIDN'T HE COME SOONER.... ughhh! but I'm still grateful

Kevin received the priesthood yesterday and what a GREAT THING! They might wait a little longer until stake baptisms for Christian to be baptized, which is sad because I wont be here, but its all okay because just seeing the changes the gospel has already made in this families lives, is just truly amazing!  No on can ever convince me that this gospel isn't true! There is just TOO MUCH FRUIT!
I love you all so very much :)
love sister martin

Friday, August 24, 2012

July 30, 2012

Great Week! updates on everyone..

.Paco and Jaquelin are doing good but their non- wedding plans are making it hard for them to progress in the gospel. They know its true and they KNOW the doctrine but they must now be UNDERSTANDING it because if they did, then it would change their heart. The gospel of Jesus Christ is all about changing and sacrificing in order to come closer to our Savior Jesus Christ.

Phoenix is at a standstill because of his parent's non desire to learn, which make it hard for an 8 year old to want to continue to learn and go to church when he knows his parents are at home swimming and such while he is at church... pretty sad situation

On a more positive note, we got a new investigator this week :) Emily is a 14 year old who has been coming to Mutual for a long time and has even been to girls camp twice, and now her parents have finally given her permission to learn! it's so cool to see what just a simple invitation to Mutual can turn into. Those simple activities are so much fun and the spirit is there too, so its hard to not enjoy yourself.

Ginny and Kevin are AWESOME! They are progressing very well - they aren't on date yet, we just extended and baptismal date.  They have only been to church once and that was on Easter, and so on Thursday they committed to come to church. I swear right when they agreed, the adversary was right there. Something random happened to both of them causing them to have to REALLY change their plans in order for them to be able to make it to church. Thankfully, they recognized it was the adversary causing all of these problems, so they hung on strong and told us on Sat. that they still would be there on Sunday. Kevin told us some concerns that he had with Temples but we were in a mad rush and pretty much left it up to his fellowship family to answer his questions, which was pretty scary. Then on Sunday, both of the adult talks in Sacrament meeting were on temples -which could've been scary too, but their talks were the BEST I've ever heard about the temple! Seriously, it was awesome, and then after that, Gospel Principles was all about sacrifice and they BOTH commented in class. They are just truly amazing and I love them so much. Satan knew how amazing church was going to be and how it would be exactly what they would need, so he tried his very hardest to get them to not come, but it didn't work!

favorite scripture of the week 3 Nephi 5:13

love you all to pieces
Sister Martin

Sunday, August 12, 2012

July 23, 2012


You have no idea how relieved I am! She will be my 2nd - 6 month companion and I feel so blessed to have had the best companions ever! Just from who my companions are I know that this is the Lord's work! From each of my companions I have learned specific things that have helped me see things that I need to change in myself. I am just jumping for joy that Sister Price and I are going to be together for my last transfer because there is so much to be done and I'm just so grateful for her because we work so well together. This last week we had 18 Teaching Opportunities, which is HUGE for our area and is our all time high for the 4 1/2 months that we have been together, and now we will just continue on and see even more miracles!

RJ got baptized this week and it really was an awesome experience! Once again, there was some definite opposition coming against him in preparation for the baptism, but thankfully, he recognized it as just that.  Afterwards, he told us of the peace that overwhelmed him once he was baptized and then soon after he received the gift of the Holy Ghost :)  What a blessing it is to have God's Authority here on the earth.

In my personal study this morning I came across this verse in Alma 13: 7 :
"This high priesthood being after the order of his Son, which order was from the foundation of the world; or in other words, being without beginning of days or end of years, being prepared from eternity to all eternity, according to his foreknowledge of all things—"

God's Authority is without beginning of end, from all eternity  to eternity....  What a blessing!

We had a pretty cool experience on Sat after the baptism too. We have been trying to get in contact with this less active member of the church and so Sat. afternoon we stopped by and she  miraculously was home! So she let us in and her nonmember friend, named Matt, just happened to be there too. We starting chatting and came to figure out that Matt is very interested in the church and said he would love to learn more from us! He had to run to do something so was just about to leave when a big Haboob struck - which just means a big wind storm-! Tons of trees blew over and outside was orange because all the dust from the Arizona dessert was being blown around, Sooo Matt couldn't leave. We taught him about the Restoration and really emphasized the importance of the priesthood that has been restored to the earth through a modern- day prophet. He listened so intently and just said " That makes sense!"  Weirdly enough,  he has always lived in AZ but has never had any LDS friends until Kim (the LA lady) and now he interested! SUPER COOL! We will teach him and Kim this Sat :)

Ginni and Kevin are AMAZING! We extended the date of Aug 11 for them to get baptized but they said they couldn't say yes yet,  but that they are preparing to be baptized.  Then they continued to ask about after baptism. I LOVE this area and miracles are literally happening everyday!
I LOVE being a missionary and I LOVE this gospel!!!!

Another cool scripture that is pretty much my motto is in Romans 1:16
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth..."

I love you all soo much! Go and share the good news of the gospel
Sister Martin

Saturday, August 11, 2012

July 15, 2012

Hello all,
Funny, but SUPER embarrassing moment! Hahaha I can't even believe that this is going to be put on my blog but oh well.... this story is evidence that the Lord works in mysterious ways. So Paco and Jaquelin have been either out of town or attending every social event known to man so we haven't taught them in 2 weeks... not good! So we see Jaquelin outside and we go and help her carry in groceries. We take them to her house but she says that she has to hurry so we can't stay. Well so literally right when we were saying good-bye, OUT OF NO WHERE, my nose starts to bleed.! Haha, if you know me, you know this thing happens all the time, but NEVER in public!  Jaquelin sees what has happened and invites us in to fix it, and while I'm taking care of my nose, Sister Price talked to Jaquelin and she opened up about some of her troubles. We were able to share some scriptures with her and Paco and have a prayer with them! MIRACLE! Hahaha it really was the weirdest and most random thing ever! Gotta love it!

We met with Kevin and Ginni this week and it was the best thing ever!  I don't even know how to go about describing their lesson, besides amazing and powerful! The spirit was so strong and Kevin and Ginni completely opened up and told us that they recognize that they have been led all their lives to be exactly at the place where they are now and to be taught the lessons by US!  We soft-committed them for baptism and they agreed, but they told us that they want to go REALLY slow because they want to know everything! Well, they will never know everything, but thank goodness they have awesome neighbors who are reading with them in the Book of Mormon through the week, so that will be awesome!  At the beginning of the lesson we asked them why they wanted to learn and they told us "we would be stupid to not!"  They have had so many positive experiences with the Church and so they already know that it's true! Pretty amazing how that Lord is preparing people their whole lives to be able to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Rjs baptism is this weekend which will be AWESOME! Next week is transfers so cross your fingers that I stay here for my last ( WEIRD) transfer and that hopefully Sister Price will stay with me as well! Great week!

I love you all :)
love Sister Martin

Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 9, 2012

Hello Everyone,

I def.  do not have enough time today to be to write ALL of the blessing that Heavenly Father has down poured on us this week! Seriously, it really is crazy amounts of miracles we have encountered, which strengthen my faith even more in my Savior.

Where to even start...
RJ: okay so RJ is married to a member and has already read the Book of Mormon and is actually on the 3rd book of the Work and Glory... why isn't he a member? He has known the church was true for a while but he is now ready to commit to the lifestyle ... mainly keeping the Sabbath day holy. So when he attended church last week (he has been hopping wards so we didn't even know about him) he felt the push that he needed to make better decisions for himself and his family and so he just got on and requested missionaries! WHAT!!! ya that really happens! so ya he is now on date to be baptized on July 21 and he is so excited and has a date already set for next Aug 2013 to be sealed to his wife! He is awesome and a blast to teach because he already has a pretty good foundation so its like were teaching these lessons for the 2nd time because ohhh ya... he has already read Preach My Gospel too! Crazy!

Also! okay so a LONG time ago when I first got into this area I wrote about this family who is awesome! The husband has already read the Book of Mormon 3 times and he is pretty much just waiting on his wife. So the wife has a mother who literally HATES the church, so that was her main hold up, plus some bad experiences in the past.  Thanks to awesome neighbors, her heart began to soften. A long time ago we talked to them outside and we had an awesome conversation with Gini and she told us that she would call because she wanted to learn,  but obviously that never happened. So they came to church on Easter and loved it, but because of grief from her mom that was the only time that they attended.  For some reason Sister Price and I both got a really strong impression to go and knock on their door... at 8:00 at night of all times... so we did! we were pretty nervous because we were sure if the member- neighbors knew we were doing this they would kill us!  They are just super nervous of them feeling overwhelmed, but we did it anyways. So we knocked and Gini answered the door! She was SOO excited to see us and the Spirit just touched her and she just opened up and spilled her guts to us about everything that was going on and all her the craziness in her life. She then told us that she had been reading the Book of Mormon with her husband and that SHE WANTS TO LEARN!

Okay, this is a FAMILY! I have been praying to be able to teach a family my whole mission!!! It's Kevin, Ginni, and their 8-ish year old son! The gospel BLESSES FAMILIES! Truths such as "Families can be together forever" are found within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and with God's authority that has been restored to the earth, that truth is made possible!

After we left Gini's house Sister price and I were skipping and jumping and we got into the car and screamed out guts out! haha! missionary work is the best work and the most important work to be done while here on this earth! I am so grateful to be here and to be able to serve in this area! Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers... Especially when were exactly obedient! 

The good news of the gospel is that Joseph Smith IS a true prophet and God's authority to be able to act in His name and SEE MIRACLES, has been restored to the earth!!! :)
love you all.
Sister Martin

Sewing new skirts

Sister Price and I match our car!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 2, 2012

okay so funny story! For anyone who has ever been my roommate, you know that I talk in my sleep! Well nothing has changed and all my companions really get a kick out of it. So earlier this week I woke up Sister Price by saying  "Ahhhh SHADE"! hahaha that tells you how hot it is here when I dream about shade.                                                           
                                                                                                   Happy Birthday Sister Price!

This awesome member bought us these SWEET misters that fit in our back packs and when I hand pump it and turn this knob, the best mist ever comes out :) LIFE SAVER!

Another funny/embarrassing moment this week! So we were biking... yes BIKING in 112 degree weather... and we stopped and talk to this guy who CLEARLY was not interested in anything we had to say, so we ended the conversation and as we were biking away I said "See ya, try to

BE COOL. uhhhhh I meant to "STAY COOL, STAY COOL!" haha hopefully, he didn't think that I meant to say be cool! haha it was hilarious!

This week has been great! Lately we've been teaching lots of less actives that are coming back to church and it's just so awesome to see. I love being able to bear my testimony and to literally, have my mouth filled with the things the Lord would have me say. The Gift of Prophesy is something that has been really new for me on my mission. Heavenly Father is a God of order and He set up a system where we can receive revelation for those we have stewardship over,  and really... I've never had stewardship over anyone- like parents over their children, bishops over wards , etc! Now that I'm set apart to be a missionary, my companion and I can receive revelation for those that we are teaching and its such an amazing spiritual gift to receive! I can't even count the amount of times Sister Price says something that I am literally JUST about to say!

Okay so this is a really short letter, but this week we are emailing in a different place and I CANNOT concentrate! This girl next to me is gossiping about another girl about how she needs to get married fast because she is 22 and is almost ANCIENT... awkward!

The Church is TRUE!!! Sister Price and I received blessings from our Zone Leaders last night and it was seriously to best thing ever. The priesthood is REAL and has definitely been restored to the earth! I received so much council that Heavenly Father knew I needed to hear so I could be more dedicated and directed these last couple of months on my mission. I am so grateful for worthy priesthood holders who hold God's authority here on earth!

Ughhh, hot and sweaty every day!

I've been out 15 months!!!!

Mosiah 2:34
"ye are eternally indebted to you heavenly father, to render to him all that you have and are"

Sister Martin